We cannot argue that social media is not influencing our politics based on the recent activities in the media. We’ve seen a Twitter scandal, the GOP debate impact on Twitter and who ended up being the best, as indicated by Facebook. We will see a major influence in the 2012 Election campaigns as witness today. It was announced that a Republican presidential candidate debate will take place on Twitter on July 20, 2011.
Regular Twitter users will be able to follow the debate and an extra site will be maintained during the debate for people to follow with separate column streams while tweets appear from moderators, the debaters and others who want to tweet their views. So, you can mark your calendar with this site: 140townhall.com. You can even go to the site now while it is in demo mode.
A separate and distinct Twitter account @140townhall will be set up to receive all related tweets to the Republican debate. Once the debate is over, users will still be able to review stats and tweets. They will be able to determine how the debate evolved and concluded.
According to Adam Green of 140 Dev, who developed the website for the Twitter debate, presidential candidates, instead of their representatives, have never taken part in this manner of debate. That means the process is a system of debating that candidates will have to practice in order to maintain a strong foothold.
Green said, “We realize that debating on Twitter is something that no candidate, no politician has ever done. It seems they’d want to practice that.” The Twitter debate will be hosted by Rusty Humphries. The Republican candidates such as Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain are taking part in company with other major candidates.
It will be interesting to see how the candidates fare on the social network with only 140 words per tweet.